Wednesday, 11 March 2020

(7) Yoga Siksha Shivir at Vivekananda Kendra - Kanyakumari, December' 2017.

Continuation of part (6)......….

It is a yogic exercise for Eyes which help enhances the eye sights if practices regularly.


Our hands are the map of our entire system and mudra is the finger position that guides energy flow in a particular way. By utilising our finger position, we can produce a tremendous affects pertaining to all the system in our body and mind. One of the most common and effective mudra is Gyana Mudra, that is touching the tips of fore finger with thumbs (Both the hands) to retain wisdom. As per the Vedas...Fore finger tips are "Vaayu" and Thumb tips are "Agni" for better knowledge an aspirants may go through the different books available at any of the Vkendra's branches in your city.


Here Neti means cleansing of nasal passages. So far there are only two types of Neti kriya practised in Vivekananda Kendra, one is Jal Neti and other is Sutra Neti (Here Jal is water and Sutra is Thread). JAL Neti kriya is practised using a small Neti pot (Photo attached) available in all the Ayurvedic and Herbal shops of repute. 
This kriya is practised pouring luke warm saline water into the pot. In this age old technique,  head is tilted to the left or right side and saline water is poured into the nostril and exit through the other nostril... and this has to be practiced with both the nostrils simultaneously one after another.

To be continued....  in part (7).….

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

(6) Yoga Siksha Shivir at Vivekananda Kendra - Kanyakumari, December' 2017.

Continuation of part (5).....

Salutation to the Sun, it can be termed as a whole and complete yogic postures which need to be performed in rhythmic ways. There are a total of twelve postures in one round and same have to be repeated 12 times by chanting 12 lines of Vija (Seeds) mantras. One line of mantra should be followed by one round of "Surya Namaskara" (12) postures. This is one of the best yogic postures so far the world has recognised. We may say this is a complete yogic exercise.

PRANAYAMA is a breath controlling technique and the basic pranayama was taught to all the participants where all the age group may participate and practice for good health as long as one wishes to. All the participants were taught the "Puroka" the inhalation "Rechaka" the exhalation process of Pranayama. Only "Kumbhaka" which is known as non-breathing state was not included in YSS. A few pranayama taught to us are listed below for aspirants knowledge ...
(1) Surya Veda Pranayama (Throughing an Arrow to the Sun) (2) Nadi Suddhi Pranayama (Cleansining of our Veins, Arteries and all nervous system)....(3) Chandra Veda Pranayama (As same as Surya Veda).... (4) Kapal Vhati (Contraction and Extraction of Belly) (5) Thoracic Breathing ...(6) Anuloma Viloma.. Those technique of inhalation and exhalation through both of our nostrils (7) Abdominal Breathing...(Taking the breath from our lower path of Belly) ...(8) Bharamari.,is a yogic art to being followed like the sound of Bees and it has it's own posture to pretend as if aspirants are searching for it's bee hives. Those postures detailed above may be had from the the Vivekananda Kendra Branch offices of India.

Monday, 9 March 2020

2) Yogasana - Meaning and Features

Continued from part (1)....

In great scriptures of "Upanishads" it was mentioned that Yoga as a whole been classified into four distinct parts of practising as per the wishes of the aspirants, which may be in any of the following ways.

(1) Mantra Yoga : Maatri Mantra also known as Nature's Call, if practised for 12 years consistently may attain Siddhi, the ultimate way to attain salvation. This holy Name or Mantra is blessed by the Guru who with rigorous practice sow it to his disciples for his/her  Mukti, (Salvation), Samadhi (Nirvana) and to attach them for the good cause of living beings. 
Examples : Indian sages namely... Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa Deva, Rama Prasad, Sadhaka Bamakshyapa. Those were a few to mention with heartfelt regards. Those holy Yore.. Sages... Saints showed us many parts of life for living as in any images for the betterment of the world and Universe through worshipping Goddess Saraswati, Maa Kali, Durga and many more as per ones choice of divinity....

(2) Laya Yoga : This esteemed yoga may be considered as.. Total Surrender to The God, it was mentioned in Maharshi Patanjali's scriptures. So everyday at the time of sleeping at night if one surrender oneself to The God for all his/her deeds.. wishes to the al-mighty may be considered as the most sacred worship to attain the salvation.

(3) Hatha Yoga : Various postures, Mudras (Connection between fingers), Asanas, Pranayama (Control of Breathing) for self realisation of oneself in accordance with the phenomenal truth of mother nature for good health, mind and soul which may be termed as Chittavriti in the words of Indian philosophy of living a Yogic life.

(4) Raja Yoga : Yama, Niyama, Asanas, Pranayama, Prathayahara, Dharana, Dhayana, Samadhi this eight fold way of practising Yoga also can be considered as the most sacred path of self realisation and devotion to have a true wisdom to self guidance where one can find the attachment of life with the God. There are many great incarnations... namely Jesus Christ, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Gautam Buddha, Jerath Mohammad, Mahabir Jain and many a great souls who could attain the salvation the Nirvana.

(12) Yoga Siksha Shivir at Vivekananda Kendra - Kanyakumari, December 2017.

Continued from part (11)..... A few memorable moments arranged by the VKendra, Kanyakumari........ On 10th December 2017, at  9.30...