Friday, 24 April 2020

(11) Yoga Siksha Shivir at Vivekananda Kendra - Kanyakumari, December 2017.

Continued from part -(11)...

Geetabhyas was followed by Tea break for half an hour, which was again followed by the 2nd session of spiritual and philosophical lectures continued till 4.45 pm and then again Yogasanas being practised up to 5.45 pm. There was a gap of 45 minutes in the evening for the preparation of Bhajan Sandhya, which was conducted everyday at 6.30 pm. 
Bhajans were presented by Jeevan Bratis and Karyakartas of the Vkendra alternatively everyday. Bhajan Sandhya gave us a great relaxtion and peace of mind every evening.
We all had to participate in the Bhajan Sandhya as a chorus singer on the basis of lead and follow norms.
Those beautiful memories cannot be wiped out throughout one's life. 
Bhajan Sandhya is followed by Supper (NaishaBhojon) from 7.15 pm to 8 pm, then there was a most interesting part of the day the traditional game played by the Group members from 8 pm to 8.30 pm every night which was termed as "Prerana Se Punarutthan".
Those games were played team wise inside the Patanjali Training Hall. Many young Karyakartas from different parts of India were the lead instructor of those games.
At the end of the day's activities and session at night, there were some short reviews of the activities up to 9 pm  followed by a cool speech from the main incharge of the Vivekananda Kendra's Training Centres Adarneeya Raghunathji.

To be continued in part - (12)....

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(12) Yoga Siksha Shivir at Vivekananda Kendra - Kanyakumari, December 2017.

Continued from part (11)..... A few memorable moments arranged by the VKendra, Kanyakumari........ On 10th December 2017, at  9.30...