Sunday, 16 February 2020

5) Yoga Siksha Shivir at Vivekananda Kendra - -Kanyakumari, December'2017.

Continued from part...(4)

On the opening day of 6th December after the morning prayer, a very Senior Karyakarta and All India Joint General Secretary Mananeeya Leaving Dabbolkar'ji delivered a brief inaugural speech at Patanjali training hall and focused the significance and benefits of YSS as an integral part of Kendra's yearly activities. The lecture was really very refreshing for the participants to have a positive start up. After the inaugural session was over our practical session on Yogabhyas (Yogasanas) been started. The main instructor for those classes were Kumari Sindoora Didi for English group and Kumari Saii Didi for the Hindi group throughout the YSS (Camp) for 15days.
We had daily two sessions of Yogabhyas at 5.40 AM to 7 AM in the morning and 4.45 PM to 5.45 PM in the evening. One Pranayama practical session was also included from 11.30 AM to 12.15 PM on daily basis and the same instructor used to impart those training to all of us with very relaxed and consistent manner. During Yogabhyas and Pranayama practical session till the end of the YSS, we could familiar with various yogic postures, inhalation/exhalation processed involved in Pranayama and could also be abled to accomplish those with very consistent and positive manner. A few list of those are highlighted here for aspirants and readers understnding. 
Body Stretch & Warm up: 
Jogging, Thigh Stretch, Ankle Stretch, Hand Stretch, Knee Stretch, Finger Stretch, Head Movements, Waist Stretch, Bending etc. 
Ardha Trikonasana, Trikonasana, Ustrasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Ardha Matsyandrasana, Supta Bajrasana, Sasankasana, Sarvangasana, Pavan Muktasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Dhanurasana, Matsyasana, Padahastasana and lastly the Savasana. It is compulsory for everyone practising Yogasanas to do Savasana after practices. One need to lay down on the floor like a death body - for at least 10-15 minutes without any movements with normal breathing and that Asana is known as Savasana.

A few photos can be enjoyed here....

To be Continued in part ...(6)

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(12) Yoga Siksha Shivir at Vivekananda Kendra - Kanyakumari, December 2017.

Continued from part (11)..... A few memorable moments arranged by the VKendra, Kanyakumari........ On 10th December 2017, at  9.30...