Thursday, 20 February 2020

1) Yogasana - Meaning and Features

The present days word "Yoga" which we derived from a Sanskrit word "Yuja" means to attach with to progress gradually and sustainably all together.
So, by Yoga we may refer it as a way of good doing and living.
To make our Soul & Mind divine, this eternal form of natural science of Yoga is practiced. For this, external illusions and mental disturbances need to be avoided and controlled to achieve our ultimate goal to reach our destination.

In the ancient times the great souls, hermits, yore, saints used to practice yoga to help concentrate on divinity to control mind to attach with something divine in nature. 
They could awake the Spinal cord's passage known as "Susumnna Nadi" and could also refine it outside of the cord and place that power of energy inside the spinal cord again... but all this could had been possible due to the attachment of Yoga.
Even those great souls could take their "Prana Vayu" out of their body and could able to roam throughout the Universe.
We can acquire such information and knowledges from the great saint and the reformer of Sanatana Dharma (Universal Religion) Jagadguru Shri Adi Sankaryachary's verse.

Favourable-infavourable, Achieved not achieved, Won - lost, Successful- unsuccessful to have this wisdom needs to adhere and follow Yoga, keeping mind and soul together, towards consistency.
All the great souls remained consistent in every path of their life and that is the YOGA...the ultimate.

To be part (2)

Sunday, 16 February 2020

A few Activities of Vivekananda Kendra, -Kanyakumari

5) Yoga Siksha Shivir at Vivekananda Kendra - -Kanyakumari, December'2017.

Continued from part...(4)

On the opening day of 6th December after the morning prayer, a very Senior Karyakarta and All India Joint General Secretary Mananeeya Leaving Dabbolkar'ji delivered a brief inaugural speech at Patanjali training hall and focused the significance and benefits of YSS as an integral part of Kendra's yearly activities. The lecture was really very refreshing for the participants to have a positive start up. After the inaugural session was over our practical session on Yogabhyas (Yogasanas) been started. The main instructor for those classes were Kumari Sindoora Didi for English group and Kumari Saii Didi for the Hindi group throughout the YSS (Camp) for 15days.
We had daily two sessions of Yogabhyas at 5.40 AM to 7 AM in the morning and 4.45 PM to 5.45 PM in the evening. One Pranayama practical session was also included from 11.30 AM to 12.15 PM on daily basis and the same instructor used to impart those training to all of us with very relaxed and consistent manner. During Yogabhyas and Pranayama practical session till the end of the YSS, we could familiar with various yogic postures, inhalation/exhalation processed involved in Pranayama and could also be abled to accomplish those with very consistent and positive manner. A few list of those are highlighted here for aspirants and readers understnding. 
Body Stretch & Warm up: 
Jogging, Thigh Stretch, Ankle Stretch, Hand Stretch, Knee Stretch, Finger Stretch, Head Movements, Waist Stretch, Bending etc. 
Ardha Trikonasana, Trikonasana, Ustrasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Ardha Matsyandrasana, Supta Bajrasana, Sasankasana, Sarvangasana, Pavan Muktasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Dhanurasana, Matsyasana, Padahastasana and lastly the Savasana. It is compulsory for everyone practising Yogasanas to do Savasana after practices. One need to lay down on the floor like a death body - for at least 10-15 minutes without any movements with normal breathing and that Asana is known as Savasana.

A few photos can be enjoyed here....

To be Continued in part ...(6)

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Amritam: Information of Vivekananda Kendra's Mission

Amritam: Information of Vivekananda Kendra's Mission: About the Blog The Amritam is a platform from which the teachings of Swami Vivekananda along with Yoga as the main key of life will be sha...

Thursday, 13 February 2020

4) Yoga Siksha Shivir at Vivekananda Kendra - Kanyakumari, December' 2017.

Continuation of part -3

On registration participants were provided with one Vkendra's bag, one Padavali (A book of Kendra's Prarthanas, Bhajans and different Patriotic songs), Karma Yoga Slokas (Sankrti), one Diary of 2017, Pen & Writing Pad all free of cost. After registration all the participants were asked to attend the Bhajan Sandhya at 6.30pm at Patanjali training and Prayer hall. It is very nice to mention here that, in Kanyakumari in the winter season also Sun Sets at after 6.30pm by the western side of Arabian sea. After bhajan sandhya the total numbers of 74 participants were again divided into SIX GANAS (Groups) and those were (1) Vaishashika (2) Mimamsa (3) Yoga (4) Sankhya (5) Nyaya (6) Vedanta. Out of those six ganas, "Vaishashika" and "Mimamsa" were registered under Hindi Group as medium of their instruction to be followed and other 4 groups were registered under English group as their medium of instructions.

Hindi group were then allotted "Chitrakuta" as their training location and "Patanjali" for English group. But Bhajan Sandhya,  morning evening prayers were conducted together in "Patanjali" training & prayer hall everyday. Kumari Sidoora Didi was the main instructor of Yogasans, Pranayama, Kriya and Dhauti for English group and Kumari Saii Didi was the instructor of those for Hindi group.
There were also supporting instructor in the Yoga classes during the time of instructions and practices, they were namely Shri. Anand Dada, Tarun Bhaiya, Prabhat Dada, Kumari Bishnupriya Behan. It is needed to mention here that, in Vivekananda Kendra all the females are honoured by calling "Didi" and males by calling "Dada" and younger to us by calling Behan and Bhaiya respectively.

  Patanjali - Training & Prayer Hall
Ground floor VKendra's Library

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

3) Yoga Siksha Shivir at Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari - December' 2017.

Some Activities of Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari may be watched for our knowledge....

2) Yoga Siksha Shivir at Vivekananda Kendra - Kanyakumari... December' 2017

Continued from last blog...

As per the norms of the Kendra only seventy -five participants from throughout India can participate in this YSS, but we were more than that and Kendra had to shift a few participants to other courses like Yoga Certificate Course (YCC), which is also continues for another 15days. As per the norms to reach one day earlier for these camps....participants on arrival at VKendra's training center on 5th December' 2017 found the tasks and training programme to be accomplished during the Shivir (Camp) period were already pasted...A Photo is shared for reference....

on the board of "Satyakam" boarding complex (1st floor for females and Ground floor for Male participants)  "Patanjali" one of the training and prayer hall and "Chitrakuta" another training hall....A few Photo Caps are shared for references


It is worth mentioning here that, Vivekananda Kendra's training center at Kanyakumari is located inside a Peacock Sanctuary. One can enjoy hundreds of Peacocks are gathered together near the "Satyakam" boarding hall everyday. Those moments spent with those beautiful Peacock and Peahens were unforgettable for all the participants. We fed Peacocks with our own hands from time to time. We offered peanuts, peas to them regularly and they were also very friendly to the guests. It was really amazing and life time experience for all of us.

These two photos can be enjoyed here for our knowledge. In the evening all the participants had to registere themselves for the Shivir with training fees of ₹3000/- only for 15 days training programme including boarding and dining inside it's own campus. Participants were registered under two categories, namely English and Hindi as a medium of instruction to be followed during this training period as per one's choice.

"The National ideals of India are renunciation & service. Intensity her in those channels, and the rest will take care of itself"
                  Swami Vivekananda

"Understand that India is still living, because she has her own quota yet to give to the general stores of the world's civilization."

                  Swami Vivekananda

1) Yoga Siksha Shivir at Vivekananda Kendra - Kanyakumari... December' 2017.

Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari as a parts of it's yearly activities organizes Yoga Siksha Shivir (YSS) every year in the months of May and December for 15days each month at its training center in Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu, India. Such YSS have been taking place since 1976. By Yoga we mean a process of continuous attachment to something for good cause, that is pure devotion of mind, heart and soul towards the perfection of individual works and deeds to attain a divine life for purposeful living.

Vivekananda Cultural Center in Chennai, India.

In Srimad Bhagwat Gita all the eeighteen chapters are described as Yoga like Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyana Yoga etc. So concentration to anything purposeful with highest levels of devotion may be considered as Yoga. The aim of this blog is an effort to send messages to the people of Assam and India as a whole about the benefits of attending such Yoga Siksha Shivir (YSS) along with other certificate courses and trainings held every year from time to time. It is indeed a moment of joy to share those practical session of the YSS held during the period of 6th to 20th December' 2017 at Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari. (A photo cap)
Performing Surya Namaskar in the early morning at Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari on the terrace of Patanjali block. From this terrace the confluence of three seas namely...Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal can be seen and enjoyed heartfelt natural treasure.

                        to be continued....

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

YOGA -The way of life based on the vision of oneness.

The present generation is moving at a very fast pace, hitherto unknown. The result being economic prosperity, technological development at the end...and stressful lives, and fractured inter personal relationships at the other end. Man seldom enjoys the fruits of his labour as he is bogged down because of the stress.

This makes Yoga much more relevant today. There is compelling need to create an awareness about "Yoga" which is commonly misconstrued as a mere physical exercise. 

Yoga is not just Asana or Pranayama. It is a way of life. It is a process in which we integrate our body-mind-intellect with the larger identities like family, society and Nation and the entire creation.

Courtesy :Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan Trust
From the book "Yoga" by Padmasree Maananeeya Nivedta Raghunath Bhide.

Monday, 10 February 2020

Information of Vivekananda Kendra's Mission

About the Blog
The Amritam is a platform from which the teachings of Swami Vivekananda along with Yoga as the main key of life will be shared. How to practice and perform Yogasanas and Pranayama would be also added. So, I request all the visitors and readers to kindly share such a valuable information to amongst families and friends.  This blog is a treasure of good health and life. This blog will provide those treasure of information followed in Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari in the state of Tamilnadu as it's headquarter and all other branches located throughout & across India. The main mission and objective of this organization is "Man Making and Nation Building" as a whole. It is a spiritually oriented service mission. So, follow this blog regularly and gather the nectar of life for good health and mind. In the words of Swami Vivekananda.... "Arise Awake and Stop Not Till the Goal is Reached"
Observation of International Yoga Day by VKendra's Karyakartas at N.F. Railway office in Tinsukia, Assam
21st June' 2019.
A group of Yoga admirer practicing Yoga in front of a stadium in Jorhat, Assam.
22nd July' 2019

(12) Yoga Siksha Shivir at Vivekananda Kendra - Kanyakumari, December 2017.

Continued from part (11)..... A few memorable moments arranged by the VKendra, Kanyakumari........ On 10th December 2017, at  9.30...